

There’s nothing worse than warm beer… nothing! SpinChill aims to radically shorten the time required to cool a canned or bottled beverage. The SpinChill spins cans and bottles in ice to increase heat transfer and get your drinks cold 20 times faster than usual. The spinning does not shake the container and actually results in less foam than usual. Cooling a container of liquid without spinning relies entirely on conduction all the way from the outside of the can to the centre of the liquid. As the outside layers of liquid cool, they insulate the inner layers, hindering the cooling process. SpinChilling the container introduces a mixing phenomenon known as convection which allows the warm liquid in the centre of the container to make its way to the outer edges of the can to be cooled instantly. It begs the question: why wasn’t this invented earlier?


About Author

Justin Felix

Editor of ManSpace magazine, Justin Felix has a thing for outdoor adventures, craft beers, fishing and typewriters.


Name: Justin ‘hop tart’ Felix
Beer experience: Super welterweight
Style preference: IPA and pale ales
Beers I avoid: Anything that doesn’t deliver a punch of flavour. Smack me in the face with it.
Beer philosophy: It’s about quality, not quantity... but I’ll happily try as many as it takes to find what I’m looking for.

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