Getting Old


People are always stopping me in the street and saying – what’s it like getting old. What’s it like… I’ll tell you what I tell them.

You know you’re old when you sit in a meeting and the guy at the head of the table has three degrees, no practical experience and starts off the meeting with; I’m going to throw open the kimono. That’s crybaby speak for let’s all be honest.

Or when 20 years of experience counts for nothing when implementing new strategies, that replace old strategies, that replaced the same strategy that is now “new”. The revolving door of fresh management never slowing down long enough to find out what the “old” guy thinks.

Or you go and see your doctor and he prescribes medication and you ask; how long do I take this? And he says; for the rest of your life.

But I’m not bitter.

Recently I was talking to someone who was more than happy telling me about all the experience he had. In fact, he told me at least four times in the five minute conversation (that’s the key). He told me there were advantages to a management by fear strategy.

One that came to mind was there’s always a new face when you have high staff turnover – idiot.

Standing in front of an over-educated idiot can be quite calming. It’s the updated theory of natural selection. There are some people who get it and some who just don’t and never will. There’s a definite satisfaction you gain from knowing that.

And as far as taking medication for the rest of your life, well any man who’s had a colourful life is on some type of meds. Meds go with great memories.

Keep calm, till next time. LF


About Author

Leon Fish

Leon fish is well read, well travelled and under educated. He has written for film and television – the highlight being his full-length feature, Bloodspit, which still holds the record as the cheapest Australian film to ever show at the Cannes film festival.

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