Kruger National Park


We’ve all been to the zoo and sat in awe at the ferocity of lions, elegance of giraffes and bulk of elephants. We’ve all been seduced by the tone of David Attenborough’s voice narrating the life of myriad species we inhabit this great planet with. But not many of us can say we’ve seen them in their homes, uninhibited by cages or TV screens to keep us safe from them. And that’s exactly why Kruger National Park should be right at the top of animal enthusiasts’ bucket lists.

Leopard (Panthera pardus) crossing road with tourists in jeep in background

Kruger National Park is one of the largest game reserves in Africa and covers approximately 19,000 square kilometres in north-eastern South Africa – that’s larger than half the countries on Earth. Being one of the best places to watch animals roam free, to live, hunt and play, as they should, makes this destination a real hot spot for tourists all over the globe.

Each of the big five game animals can be found here and getting up close and personal to any, if not all, is a once in a lifetime experience that simply can’t be replicated. Big cats strolling past your safari vehicle, elephants roaming the land and leopards lounging in trees are all sights to behold here.

The dry winter months (May-October) are best for game viewing as animals converge around water sources, making them easier for the guides to find whereas summer is fantastic for spotting newborns as most animals give birth around this time.

Being an open park means it can get busy here so the best way to explore the park is via a guided safari with many able to be found online. With possible sights such as the one below, what are you waiting for?


About Author

Justin Felix

Editor of ManSpace magazine, Justin Felix has a thing for outdoor adventures, craft beers, fishing and typewriters.


Name: Justin ‘hop tart’ Felix
Beer experience: Super welterweight
Style preference: IPA and pale ales
Beers I avoid: Anything that doesn’t deliver a punch of flavour. Smack me in the face with it.
Beer philosophy: It’s about quality, not quantity... but I’ll happily try as many as it takes to find what I’m looking for.

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